
- 2800 AD - Humanity achives light speed in outer space.

- 2810 AD - The LLF or Lunar Lockdown Facility, a maximum security prison, is established on Earth's moon.

- 2813 AD - First Mars colony, Elysium, is established.

- 2820 AD - Venus explored and declaired unfit for colonization.

- 2832 AD - Mining colony on the asteroid Ceres in the Main Belt is established. Scientist discover most of the Main Belt consist of fragments of Earth itself, leading to new scientific theories about the formation of our solar system.

- 2856 AD - Jupiter gas mining plant, Cloud City, established in sub-orbit.

- 2870 AD - Rings of Saturn Station, or ROSS, established in orbit.

- 2900 AD - Colony established on Jupiter's moon Europa.

- 2980 AD - It is scientifically confirmed that a planet, previously known as "Planet X" is indeed part of our solar system and heading back towards Sol in the next few hundred years.

- 3100 AD - Earthlings have colonized or otherwise explored all other planets and moons in our solar system.

- 3180 AD - Close enough to be investigated further, Planet X is determined to be home to advanced exterestrial life. Earthlings begin preparations for first contact.

- 3200 AD - Nibirians touch down on Earth soil for what many believe to be the first time. Earthlings are shocked and somewhat relieved to find that they look much like us. However, the Nibirian's technological advancement is far superior to our own. We are informed that the Nibirians not only gift us with some form of technological advancement every 3,600 years, but they were also responsible for genetic manipulation that created homo sapians in the first place.

- 3201 AD - Nibirians teach humanity how to build Gravity Manipulation Drives to achieve faster than light travel before they leave Earth for another 3,600 years.

- 3205 AD - Earthlings launch their first interstellar starship, the USS Pioneer.

- 3215 AD - Earthlings encounter the Strahg. Our first contact with another Milky Way alien race since the Nibirians, hostilities arise and shots are fired. The Strahg-Earth War begins.

- 3217 AD - The Galactic Authority, a peacekeeping organization sanctioned by Nibiru, intervenes in the Strahg-Earth War and a peace treaty is signed by Earth and Strahg world leaders. Earthlings exploration of the Milky Way resumes. Over the next several decades, humanity makes contact with new alien species and establishes trade and commerce with new worlds. Earth sponsored space stations are established across the galaxy.

- 3298 AD - The Galactic Authority begins accepting qualified Earthlings into the organization.

- 3300 AD - The present.